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  • case study autovybava

Autovybava.sk | How to have a better overview in campaigns

Autovybava.sk is an online store operating in Slovakia, which offers complete equipment for your car, including car seat covers, deflectors, car mats, trunks tray and many other accessories. This Eshop offers thousands of quality products from various manufacturers with professional advice. Behind this popular e-shop is the owner Ing. Patrik Marák, with whom we are very happy to work. We are pleased that he has chosen BlueWinston tool for managing PPC campaigns.
Despite my negative experience with campaign management in Google Adwords, I still wanted to give someone a chance to streamline my campaigns and take advantage of the new technology capabilities of my campaigns. After contacting BlueWinston, I was careful for a while and we started with the trial period first. During this period, I was convinced that I made a good choice.
Ing. Patrik Marák, AUTOvybava.sk

Why was a change needed?

Because the client did not have a good experience managing campaigns through advertising agencies, he managed them on his own and manually in Google Ads. Although the client was initially careful, he decided to give a chance to automated ads via BlueWinston and save not only time but also money.

The main driver of the client in his Google Ads account was the Smart Shopping campaign. However, it contained over 8,000 products and the budget was distributed unevenly between product categories.

What was the assignment?

The assignment sounded clear. It was necessary to divide the current Smart Shopping campaign into several campaigns for each product category: Deflectors, trunk trays, Textile car mats, Rubber car mats, Plastic covers, Stainless steel moldings and Car seat covers. Our next task was to monitor the data collected and exclude ineffective products from our campaigns.

How did BlueWinston help?

Thanks to BlueWinston, it was possible to create Smart Shopping campaigns for each category of products that the client wanted to promote. Products from an individual category were filtered into campaigns and products were limited to a certain price range (for example, in the Deflectors campaign, we only advertise products up to € 30).

The main advantage of splitting campaigns is better clarity in campaign performance and easier optimization. After a while, we were able to judge from the data we collected which products needed to be excluded from the campaigns (e.g. products that had more than 150 clicks and no conversion). Thanks to the useful function in BlueWinston, excluding products from the Smart Shopping campaign is very simple and a few clicks are all it takes.

The results

We selected the results for the original Smart Shopping campaign, which included all products (over 8,000). A longer period of time is chosen here to minimize possible fluctuations during the pandemic period (April) and to select more objective results.

results april

We can see the results achieved by the selected Smart Shopping campaign for Rubber Car Mats created via BlueWinston in the period 15.8. – 15.9.2020.

results august


With BlueWinston, we’ve easily created campaigns by category, so we can track the results of individual campaigns. Based on the results, we can increase budgets for the most effective campaigns and optimize those that perform poorly.

And what about the future?

As we continue to work on improvements to BlueWinston, the new update will make campaign optimization even faster. Until now, scripts have only been enabled for text campaigns, but in the coming days it will be possible to run automatic rules for Smart Shopping campaigns as well. Setting up MaxCPA, automatically increasing your budget, or excluding products from your campaign will now be a very simple matter.

Client recommendation

I was especially interested in the idea that campaign management will be automated. I think that it was in this human intervention that the agencies failed to fine-tune the campaign. Either people have changed often or they were not experts and I don’t know if with such a large number of products it is realistic for a person to be able to handle it at all. So I was very pleased that such an automated system is being developed. I believe this is exactly the future of campaign management. I work great with BlueWinston and I can only recommend them.
Ing. Patrik Marák, AUTOvybava.sk

Autovybava.sk is an online store operating in Slovakia, which offers complete equipment for your car, including car seat covers, deflectors, car mats, trunks tray and many other accessories. This Eshop offers thousands of quality products from various manufacturers with professional advice.

BlueWinston.com is PPC tool which helps to automate product campaigns for Google – it is very easy to create Product Text Ads and Smart Shopping Ads. Campaigns are updated from XML feed.

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About the Author:

Account Manager for BlueWinston. I take care of our clients and help them create and optimize campaigns. I enjoy writing blogs on topics in the field of PPC advertising and preparing a case studies with interesting results that we achieved through BlueWinston.