Bidding Strategy – Google Ads
A good text for your ad is only one part of success when attracting new potential customers. The other is the implementation of adequate strategy for bidding, so that you get the maximal results on the minimal ad price. If you do not pay enough attention to bidding, you may end up paying much more.
In this article we will introduce to you bidding possibilities offered by Google Ads and their characteristics, so in the end you will be able to choose the most convenient one for your business.
Google Ads bidding: Consider your goals
Since each strategy performs differently, it is important first of all to set the goal you want to achieve – clicks, impressions, conversions or views.
Choose right bidding strategy depending on Bid control and number of Conversions (in last 30 days):
Focus on conversions with Smart Bidding
If your goal is defined by conversions, consider running Google Smart Bidding. The system will automatically valorize your bids. Choose one of these strategies:
Target Cost per Acquisition (target CPA)
Target Return on Ad Spend (target ROAS)
Maximize Conversions
Enhanced CPC (ECPC)
Focus on clicks with CPC bidding
You can focus on gaining clicks and driving traffic to your website using cost per click (CPC) in two separate strategies:
Maximize Clicks
Manual CPC bidding
Focus on Impressions within Google Ads bidding
If you are seeking more impressions for your ad, here are several strategies to maximize your visibility.
Target Search Page Location (TSPL)
Target Outranking Share
Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM)
Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM): using this manual bidding strategy you can serve your ads to increase awareness. This bidding strategy is suitable when you do not need necessarily generate clicks or conversions. This strategy let you pay for each 1,000 viewable ad impressions on the Google Display Network. You can learn more about this strategy here.
Bidding strategy – Pro Tips
- Carefully set targets when using Smart Bidding (tCPA, tROAS) – this is important becase Smart Bidding algorithms works best when optimize campaign toward realistic goal.
- After change of strategy, minimize changes – there is learning period, when you change bidding strategy. Wait until learning period ends and only after do needed changes.
- Avoid immediate analysis of Smart Bidding perfomance – smart bidding algoritms need time to learn, so wait until learning period is complete to have more data and better perfomance.
- Seasonality trends – be mindful about seasonality, because seasonal events often results in sudden, drastic shifts in perfomance. All these changes can impct your Smart bidding campaigns. When seasonal volume spikes, all strategies respond positively, so you do not need to adjust your bidding.
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