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Why to get certificate?

  • be able to get new features according to your needs
  • get promotion on our websites and social media
  • publish case studies on our blogs and gather new potential prospects
  • get approval for using BlueWinston Certified Partner badge on your site and email / social communication
  • be different, be better and stand out from the competition
BlueWinston odznak certifikovaného partnera

How to get certified?

If your Blue Winston account for e-shop campaign management is active, you can join our certificate training. After succesful completion you automatically get Certified Partner Badge and printed certificate. Certificate will be issued to your name. Join today and achieve status of certified specialist.

Trained Certified Specialists until today

Improve your skills and show your clients that you keep up to date with your field. By using automated tools, you work more efficiently and improve product performance campaigns.