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Monitor the performance of your landing pages in Shopping Ads

Many people come to your site thanks to advertising, but only few of them stay longer or make a purchase/conversion? There can be many causes. Poor ad copy, inappropriate targeting… But also an unattractive or outdated landing page. Now you can also monitor its performance in Shopping Ads.Until now, you could gain insight into how your landing page performs in the classic ad types. However, another recent update to Google Ads includes monitoring the performance of your landing pages even in Shopping Ads. This new report will allow you to evaluate the attractivity of your ad’s landing page. Then you can conclude which landing pages drive the most conversions/sales, or which need some care because of their unsatisfactory performance.You will be able to evaluate their performance based on the following collected data:
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Clickthrough rate (CTR)
  • Average cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Price
  • Conversion rate and conversions
The impression your landing page leaves and how people behave when they visit it is an important indicator of the overall effectiveness of your advertising. It can tell you if your site is in some way damaged (such as a malfunctioning purchase link) or if it is unattractive to visitors (such as a messy design). You should definitely pay enough attention to its performance.Have you noticed that a lot of people are coming to your site, but only few of them continue? Do you see a low conversion rate?Find out what may cause the problem and how to fix it on our blog

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About the Author:

Consultant for online business and marketing. Holder of every Google Ads certification. Account manager for BlueWinston and Shopping in EU. CSS Hero. Gamer.