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  • Quick guide to Google Analytics #2 – Get to know your audience

Quick guide to Google Analytics #2 – Get to know your audience

Do you know your audience? Who are the visitors of your webpage and your potential clients? Where do they come from? Do they have anything in common? In case you are running an online business, you definitely should know answers to these questions. If you know your customers and their behavior, you´ve partly succeeded. Google Analytics has thought of you even in this way. Continue reading and figure out who your visitors are!You are reading the next of our blog series in which we introduce you in total five features by which can Google Analytics make your business easier. In the previous blogpost we addressed real-time reports. Thanks to which you can observe the situation on your website in real time. Today we are going to have a closer look on how can Google Analysis help you with your customers thanks to Audience reports.Google Analytics offers in total 14 reports, which will help you understand the users who visit your website. You can therefore build a complete picture about your business and its further direction. Mainly regarding the campaign targeting. We have chosen the 8 most important stats that Audience reports offer:

1. Active users

Are you thinking whether the users visit your website repeatedly? In Active users report you can track, within one, seven, fourteen or thirty days, how often the visitors returned to your website. Based on this you can evaluate whether your web can raise the interest among your potential customers. If the activity is high on the first day, but decreasing the following days, you should consider how to interact more with your visitors.

2. Lifetime value

Lifetime value report tracks the long-term value of your visitors in relation with their acquisition. Observe whether the people who came to your webpage via an ad purchase more than those who typed your URL manually. You will notice which kind of propagation is it worth investing in.

3. Cohort analysis

Segment your visitors to cohorts according to specific characteristic and compare their behavior thanks to Cohort analysis. The specific characteristic may be for instance the day when they have visited your website for the first time.

4. Demography

This report categorizes your visitors according to their age and gender. There are six age groups – 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 a 65+.You can track the interactions and behavior of your customers in both categories. Based on your evaluations you can adjust your content or ads.Google warns that these stats may not be complete. It depends on cookies settings of the visitor´s device.

5. Interests

Seek people who are interested in your goods. Google Analytics will help you to find out the interests of the people who visit your website.This report can be based on:
  •        affinity categories (lifestyle categories, such as food lovers);
  •        in-market segments (segments of product interest, such as outdoor clothes);
  •        other categories (concrete categories, such as pets).

6. Behavior

Is your website attractive enough for the potential customers? Do they come back? Do they purchase?These and other questions will be answered by this report. You will figure out whether it is necessary to make your web more attractive or generally to personalize if for the visitors, for instance by CTAs.

7. Geo

You should know whether your website is visited by people who understand the offered language mutations. Also, whether they come from a country where you are shipping your goods. You may find out in Geo report which tracks where your visitors come from and what language they speak. Thanks to this you can customize the targeting of your ads.

8. Technology

Once you know which devices your visitors use to enter your website, you can customize its versions for these concrete devices. Observe the version of operation system they use as well. Make sure your website is not scattered on these devices.As you may have noticed from the mentioned reports, it is important to know your audience. For both, direction of your business and creation of suitable ads. This is only one of many functions that Google Analytics offer you. In the following blogpost we will focus on acquisitions – acquiring new customers. 

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)