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Shopify: How to set up Global site tag for Dynamic Remarketing

Google Ads conversion tracking is used to track actions that people take on your website after clicking on one of your ads. With this strategy, you can see which one of your Google Ads generates the most sales for your online store in Shopify.In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up Google Ads conversion tracking and how to set up remarketing in Shopify for Google Shopping. You will need to install the global site tag, then add the event snippet. If you are tracking purchases, then you also need to customize your event snippet.

Step 1: Create a conversion action in Google Ads

To set up Google Ads conversion tracking, follow official Google Ads instructions. You will find step by step guide and you will learn all about it. 

Step 2: Install the global site tag in Shopify

After you are done with conversion action, you need to install the global site tag in your Shopify theme code. 
  1. When you get to the “Set up the tag” step in Google Ads, click “Install the tag yourself”.
  2. In the Global site tag section, select the option that applies. The generated code depends on your selection.
  3. Copy or save your global site tag.
  4. In your browser, open your Shopify admin panel and click on Online Store.
  5. Click Actions > Edit code.
  6. On your left panel you will see theme.liquid. Click on it.
  7. If this is the first time you have installed a global site tag, then paste the copied global site tag between the <head><head> tags to apply the tag to every page in your online store.
If you are editing a global site tag that you have already installed, then locate the global site tag in your code and change the code as suggested by Google Ads. After that, click Save.

Step 3: Install the event snippet for Shopify

After you are done with your installation of the global site tag, you need to add the event snipped to your checkout page for Shopify. The event snippet tracks a conversion any time somebody click on one of your ads and then later reaches the checkout page of your online store.
  1. In your Google Ads account, find Event snippet section and select Page load.
  2. Copy the event snippet code.
  3. In your browser window, open your Shopify admin and click Settings -> Checkout.
  4. In the Order processing section, in the Additional scripts text box, paste the event snipped you copied before. If you already have code in the additional scripts, then add the event snippet on a new line below the code.
  5. If a customer reloads the checkout page, then Google Ads might record a duplicate conversion. In that case, you need to add tags before and after the event snippet so that it count once per customer. On the line before the snippet, paste {% if first_time_accessed %}. On the line after the snippet, paste {% endif %}.
  6. The default currency is USD. If you do not sell your products in US dollars, then replace “USD” in the event snippet with “{{ shop.currency }}”.
  7. The default transaction ID is empty. To prevent Google Ads from recording duplicate conversions, next to “transaction_id” replace with {{ order_number  }}:

Step 4: Make the conversion value dynamic

If the conversion action you are tracking is purchases on your online store, then the value of each conversion is different. To track a different value for each conversion, you need to edit your event snippet to use values that are specific to each transaction.
  1. Open your Shopify admin account and click Settings > Checkout.  
  2. In the Order processing section, in the Additional scripts text box, find the event snippet you added in Step 3 of our guide.
  3. Replace the line beginning with value‘: with one of the following snippets:
To exclude taxes and shipping from the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet: ‘value’: {{ checkout.subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}.To include taxes and shipping in the conversion amount, replace it with this snippet: ‘value’: {{ checkout.total_price | money_without_currency }}. After you replace the line, your script looks similar to this example:

Setting up remarketing

Remarketing is used by people who want to target ads to people who visited your store in the past. Dynamic remarketing targets ads to your store visitors based on the specific products they viewed on your site. If you want to set this up, check Google setup guides for remarketing and dynamic remarketing.

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About the Author:

Consultant for online business and marketing. Holder of every Google Ads certification. Account manager for BlueWinston and Shopping in EU. CSS Hero. Gamer.