Switch to expanded text ads easily with these practices

It has been over a year since Google Ads introduced a revolutionary update, expanded text ads. These offer you even more space to attract your potential customers. However, the switch from standard to enhanced text ads may not be easy at all due to the uncertainty. Here are some tips on how you can handle

Google launched Policy manager for Ads

After slow removal of average position as one of the essential metrics, Google rolled out another new feature, it's called Policy manager and it will be available already this month. Policy manager is responsible for alerting advertisers in case they are violating any of the advertising policies in Google Ads. Sometimes it can be even

Mandatory parallel tracking of campaigns is expanding

Recently, there has been a bunch of Google Ads updates. After canceling the average position, introducing recommended columns and various updates to increase landing page load time, the time has come to parallel tracking as well. This feature was already available last year but now it is ready to improve the performance of your campaigns

Recommended columns as new feature in Google Ads

When running different campaigns, you can easily lose track of which columns in Google Ads you have and are actually using. Therefore, Google has introduced a new feature, recommended columns that will help you to highlight recommended columns in your profile to help you manage your campaign. The recommended columns were introduced by the end