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So far Michal Kazík has created 7 blog entries.

Google launched Policy manager for Ads

After slow removal of average position as one of the essential metrics, Google rolled out another new feature, it's called Policy manager and it will be available already this month. Policy manager is responsible for alerting advertisers in case they are violating any of the advertising policies in Google Ads. Sometimes it can be even

5 reasons why it is worth using responsive ads

Need to save time while increasing the performance of your ads? Google Ads is constantly adapting to its users and it is also, for example, by creating ads. Just insert different variations of the text and Google Ads will combine them thanks to responsive ads to make your ads as effective as possible. We've introduced

Mandatory parallel tracking of campaigns is expanding

Recently, there has been a bunch of Google Ads updates. After canceling the average position, introducing recommended columns and various updates to increase landing page load time, the time has come to parallel tracking as well. This feature was already available last year but now it is ready to improve the performance of your campaigns

Recommended columns as new feature in Google Ads

When running different campaigns, you can easily lose track of which columns in Google Ads you have and are actually using. Therefore, Google has introduced a new feature, recommended columns that will help you to highlight recommended columns in your profile to help you manage your campaign. The recommended columns were introduced by the end

Display Network targeting more precise with these 3 tips

Users will not search for your e-shop unless they know you exist. If you are starting, but even if you already run an online business, it is recommended that you continue to take new steps to find new potential customers. Google Ads in Display Network is a great way to bring your site closer to

Google: End of average position – new metrics

By the end of February 2019 Google has announced that its average position ends. It will be replaced by new metrics introduced in November. In Google representative's words, the new metrics are the best for optimizing the position. New metrics are Search top impression rate and Search absolute top impression rate. They inform about how