How to manage product inventory during pandemic

Business owners around the world are trying to respond the most appropriate to the panic that is raging around the world. The coronavirus pandemic brings a number of challenges to retailers of all sizes. Therefore, they have to make changes. They share information about how the company and its employees work in this situation. More

Switch to expanded text ads easily with these practices

It has been over a year since Google Ads introduced a revolutionary update, expanded text ads. These offer you even more space to attract your potential customers. However, the switch from standard to enhanced text ads may not be easy at all due to the uncertainty. Here are some tips on how you can handle

Make your customers feel safer in your e-shop

Despite the fact that shopping on the Internet saves a lot of time, the customer are still struggling with one aspect that cannot be assured as much as in physical stores – security. On the Internet, it is easier to deceive a customer than when shopping in a physical stire, and despite increasing safety standards, this

How to install BlueWinston’s Magento extension for Product Search & Shopping Ads on Google

Download extension In this article, we will talk about how to install BlueWinston extension for Magento.  1. The first step is to install the module. You need to copy the "app" folder to the root address of Magento. You can download it here with the PDF tutorial. 2. Delete cache, log

Four steps towards successful advertising on Google Shopping

We have already focused on Google Shopping ads, their benefits or quick and easy creation in our older blogs. If you're interested in using this format, you're definitely looking for ways to get the most out of it. We’ve outlined four steps for more successful advertising and higher conversions. In order for your Shopping ad to

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