How to manage product inventory during pandemic

Business owners around the world are trying to respond the most appropriate to the panic that is raging around the world. The coronavirus pandemic brings a number of challenges to retailers of all sizes. Therefore, they have to make changes. They share information about how the company and its employees work in this situation. More

Switch to expanded text ads easily with these practices

It has been over a year since Google Ads introduced a revolutionary update, expanded text ads. These offer you even more space to attract your potential customers. However, the switch from standard to enhanced text ads may not be easy at all due to the uncertainty. Here are some tips on how you can handle

Search Ads 360: Manage large campaigns more efficiently

Google ads have undergone many changes in recent months. These include not only ad displaying, but also new useful features and reorganization of the advertising platform. Search Ads 360 is a result of these changes - a unique campaign management tool for search engines. The work of many agencies and marketers managing accounts across multiple

Optimization Score: What does it mean for ads and how high should it be?

With analytics tools, you can observe the performance of your ads, whether they are bringing you new leads and sales, or what is their potential in the future. Optimization score is such an analytical tool directly in Google Ads and it’s available for free. Analytics tools are important for anyone who chooses to promote their

Optimize your campaigns on the go with the Google Ads app

Google Ads helps you stay up-to-date and manage your ads wherever you are. In an ever-changing world of online marketing, it would be difficult to find a better companion. Respond to current trends and manage your campaigns on the go! What can you do with the Google Ads app? If you advertise your products using

Use explanations to diagnose changes in your ad performance

Campaign performance changes over time. To be able to adjust its settings correctly, you need to know why these changes are occurring. So far, the analysis of these causes has been really time consuming. But that's over - now you can get explanations for changes in your campaigns and ads with just one click. The

Google is changing the look of results on desktop Search

The new update from Google brings a new view of both paid (advertised) and organic results in Search. After this update has been applied to mobile devices, it also comes to desktop versions.  Recently, Google has posted on Twitter a news they have prepared for desktop version of Search. This includes a new label for

What is Google ads Bid Simulator and how to Use it?

Bid simulators help determine how the prices of your ads affect their performance over the week. It is possible to use two types of these simulators: Manual type of simulator Smart Bidding Simulator How do they work? Simulators collect search and network advertising data from ad auctions. In ad

Choose the right keyword strategy for a successful campaign

In our previous blog, we've introduced to you keyword matching options in Google Ads. This is the setting in which you define what search queries will make your ad run. Now, we will focus on the strategies you can use with this setting to get the most out of it. Correct use of keyword matches affects

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