Automate your product campaigns on Google Ads

Still more and more retailers are switching to ecommerce and use online advertising for their products. The most widely used platform for such advertising is Google - the first place most customers go when they are looking for a product. Let’s have a look on how you can advertise on this platform as effectively as

Dynamic search ads – DSA bring out new options for targeting and stats

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) for Google Search are the most easiest way how to get new customers. It is because of their very easy setup. Similar as in other campaign types in Google Ads, also in DSA campaigns are there regularly new features. If you begin with creation of Google DSA campaigns, we recommend

Why DSA still learning without impressions?

In some cases, you see that DSA campaign is learning and maybe you have a question: How can the Bluewinston DSA campaigns start generating traffic right away instead of wasting time on ‘learning’? Here is a lot of staff about DSAs: In many cases the time of “learning” in DSA campaigns depends from: number

Benefits of Using Shopping Ads on Google

TOP 10 benefits of Shopping Ads Shopping ads are ads that include product information, product image, store name, and product price. Product information is created based on attributes in the feed that are stored in your Merchant Center account. Shopping ads are shown to users who are looking for a specific type of product,

Engage with people through special characters in your DSA ads

As you surely know, DSA ads have both, their advantages and disadvantages, but also their specifics. The advantages of DSA show up mainly when you are having quality content on your subpage, based on which Google can decide when to display your ad – that is when Google displays DSA on the most relevant phrases.

11% conv. rate thanks to DSA for Products (AC Adapters)

In this post you will see how effective and profitable DSA campaigns for products created by can be! Client: (Eshop which sells ac adapters for notebooks, tablets, monitors and batteries for notebooks) Our client had problem with creating classic product keywords As you you can see. Product name are very specific and there

Proudly present – unique Dynamic search ads for Products

Dynamic search ads are the best solution how to find customers searching for your products, services or product categories. They are built on Google index of your website itself so it's highly recommended to have your Onpage SEO at the highest possible level. As I said, DSA (dynamic search ads) are focusing on your website